
Friday, October 28, 2011

Ra.ONE's Ten Commandments!

  1. If you use an 'Ayyo' in every sentence and have a self portrait of yourself in a white dhoti, you are classified as a 'filter kaapi' South Indian.
  2. 2 minute noodles can be consumed by a South Indian using his hands and curd in less than a minute.
  3. Multi million Game Giants can exist in London....conversing only in Hindi and having Hindi clientele base.
  4. In order to be a teacher in London, you are supposed to have your very own striptease video posted in the net for your students to obtain maximum 'gyan'.
  5. If Indians see a Chinese origin guy, they will assume he is Bruce Lee.
  6. Women don't care about losing their husbands as long as an improved version crosses the cyberworld and joins them in day2day life...
  7. You can bury the dead Hindu in a casket and still take an urn of ashes to dispose off in Ganga....Now that's sentiment!
  8. Wolkswagen vehicles can safely transport your wife and kid through a bus at 100 miles an hour without causing any personal injury. Also it can spin endlessly...till the hero and heroine have made their respective introductions.
  9. Apart from three laws of Isaac Asimov that govern every Robot.... an Indian robot must be able to love, dance, sing and demonstrate 'Power Yoga'.
  10. No amount of murder, action and mayhem will alert the police in any country. Your cyber baddie and goodie will run around causing widespread chaos till both their batteries drain out or when the game ends.

Still... a great movie ...worth watching once in a theater for entertainment purposes!

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